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Improving your health naturally.

It is the goal of Sheri Lynn Enterprises to help people find natural products to help relieve pain, improve overall health and improve quality of life. 

If you have ANY pain, the Claire Ellen Topicals products can help. These products are non-narcotic, non-steroidal pain relief solutions.

Our products have so many uses and we are finding more all the time. Most recently we discovered that the Neuroquell Plus product is an effective treatment for Plaque Psoraisis.

The active ingredient in these products is calendula oil, which is extracted from marigold petals. Claire Ellen Topicals products are a proprietary blend of essential and mineral oils, carefully and scientifically altered to ease pain.

We have also recently added a hand antiseptic to our product line. With the concerns around COVID-19, many people are using hand sanitizers that are harmful to your skin. The alcohol drys out your skin and actually makes it easier for germs to "stick" to your hands. Our Hand Antiseptic is a natural and effective way to keep your hands germ free and will not only keep them from drying out, but will actually moisturize as well.





All products contain natural, non-habit-forming ingredients that are "generally regarded as safe" by the FDA. They are animal by-product, alcohol and chemical free.

No need to visit the doctor and pharmacist. Replace your pills with a roll-on solution.

Trials from around the world have shown noticeable to complete relief in users, with little to no side effects. Don't take our word for it, read the complete trials here!

We have complete confidence in our products. However, if you are not confident that we've helped ease your pain, please contact us for a refund.

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